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Monday, April 25, 2016

Let's go Brother

Last Monday, I wasn't feeling very excited to work. Every angle I looked at things there seemed to be big problems. Investigatores not married, recent converts not going to church, working sunday, and not paying tything, Leaders not doing Jack, a lot of things, and I was praying to the lord, talking about it, and I heard a voice, it was my own voice. saying the words from one of my favorite hymns, Onward Christian Soldiers.

In Spanish the first line of the third verse is "Vamos Pues Hermanos" Which hits me harder than how it is sang in English. in the exact translation it is "Let's go brothers." And when I heard that voice, the energy I needed came. I told the lord in that prayer, things I have told him before, "I will do everything in my power to do as thou asks, but I need thee, oh how I need thee" 

Then the Miracles poured in. We found more than 10 new people. One of them being a little girl named Cielo. We were contacting a hill that is close to the church and talked to a 30 year old women who by no suprise was an inactive member. She explained she was baptized in Northern Peru, but then when came to chosica, lost contact of the church. We set a visit and went back. When we went backon Saturday, Cielo asked us if she could listen, we agreed and had a great lesson. Including the dedication of their humble home. We invited them to church, and the 30 year old inactive explained she had a meeting she was obligated to go to, but cielo said she wanteds to go. 

Sunday we went to pick her up, and I was moved when she came out, not alone but with her 10 year old niece. We walked to church, and Cielo told me she went to church all the time when her sister was active. We went into sacrament, and we sat next to them, I couldn't hold back tears as Cielo guided her 10 year old niece through the hymns as she sat on her lap. That to be is an example, that to be is family.

The lord talks, and speaks, if we are lacking the energy to work, we must ask the lord, and he will give us that energy, and energy from heaven is a lot stronger than any other energy we can find.

There is not place in the world like Peru.

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