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Monday, August 31, 2015

Three Hours with an Apostle changes your perspective on things

This week has been longngg. First, I got transfered. I'm now right next to my first area, but in a different zone. If we remember right, my first area was the most dangerous in our mission, I guess I'm just meant to live life on the edge :) My new Companion is Elder Chicaiza, he's 27 and from ecuador. Yeah, 27. haha We're gonna have a great time getting to know all the less actives who live in our area! There are 300 members, 70 are active. Welcome to Peru!

Then on Thursday we went to Elder Bednar, An apostle, his wife, a seventy, two mission presidents and 400 full time missionaries.. I've never felt the spirit so strong in my life. It was something I can never forget. The interesting thing is that he didn't just give a talk, no one gave a talk. He talked to us, and with us, we asked questions, he is the best teacher I have ever meant. I can't explain all the things I learned, but I can say this, I have a promise from an apostle that If I do two simple things, I will never fall away from the church, I always knew the principles, but now I feel it deep in my heart.

A whole bunch of stuff happened basically. and I'm turning 20 this week! Holla! It has been long, and crazy, but we continue on, I miss Portales, they are great people there, now I just gotta find that love again for San Cayetano. Have a great week. Get ready for conference! I'm so excited! 
Read the book of mormon, like always.

If you have any questions, email me. 
I love you all, I really, really do. My prayers are getting outraugously long because I'm so thankful that god put person, after person, after person in my life. 

The only quote I'm going to share from Elder Bednar.
"Pray like an agenty, not like an object"
What do you think that means? 

1. I HATE packing ties...
2. It pays to have members who love you :)
3. It was hard to leave them.
4. Julio Meza is my favorite. He's the new bishop now. Suprise? No. 
5. Fried Squid. Mmmmm :)
6. We're going to Elder Bednar!
7. The most dangerous areas have the best rooms. 
8. Great View...
9. Whoohoo!


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